EWC Guest Lecture

How to Cite Audiovisual Media in an APA References List

The 7th edition of the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association explains how to cite audiovisual media. See pages 342-344 in section 10.12-10.14, Audiovisual Media. In case you do not own a copy of the manual, here is the basic information you need to cite images.

Audiovisual media include motion pictures; audio or television broadcasts (including podcasts); and static objects such as maps, artwork, or photos.

List the primary contributors in the author position and use parentheses to identify their contribution.

100. Map retrieved online

Lewis County Geographic Information Services (Cartographer). (2002). Population density, 2000

U.S. Census [Demographic map]. Retrieved from http://www.co.lewis.au/publicworks/maps/


The map example above shows you how to cite media found online. Here are two examples of how to cite artwork found in a physical location.

97. & 101. Work of art or photograph

    Weber, J. (1992). Toward freedom [Outdoor mural]. Sherman Oaks, CA.

    Newkirk, K. (2006). Gainer (part II). Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL.

You can use citations machines (see below).  Please keep in mind that citation machines do not know if you are entering correct information or if you are entering it in the correct location. Always double check your work.

Automatic APA Citations



(Note: If you use an article from the school’s online library, you must choose “yes” to the question  Was the resource found using a database?”)

Sample Citations
A variety of web sites provide citation formats for the various types of sources you will encounter. Perhaps the best list of citation formats on the web is provided by UMGC's library: https://libguides.umgc.edu/apa-examples. The UMGC librararians are also available 24-7 to assist UMGC faculty and staff with citation-related questions: https://libanswers.umgc.edu/ask