Write to Critique If you experience difficulty playing the video below, copy the following link into a new web browser: http://polaris.umuc/edu/ewc/mvids/writ_critique/writ_critique.html When you hear that your writing assignment is a “critique,” here’s what you do: instantly substitute the word “evaluation.” You see, essentially, that’s what a critique is—an e-value-ation. You rate the value of something. The value can be positive, negative or, most likely, a mix of the two. Evaluating or critiquing is something that you do every day, whether you are aware of it or not. You do it personally—is this the right outfit for today’s video. I can’t believe my spouse did our townhouse totally in beige. But you also do it professionally: Will my team’s plans for the new product launch work? Should I hire or promote this person? What’s the best notebook computer for the sales team? All of those contain an evaluation. As a matter of fact, your ability to think critically (in an evaluative fashion) and to offer compelling reasons and evidence for your evaluations is one of the most valued skills in the workplace and will play a crucial role in your career advancement. Let’s take a look at the typical parts of a critique or evaluation essay and get to know what should be done in each one. The parts we will look at are:
--Summary --Evaluation --Response --Conclusion Introduction Unlike the introduction to most of the essays you write in school, where the main purpose is simply to introduce the thesis, the introduction of a critique or evaluation essay is more complex.
After the introduction comes part two: the summary of the work or that part of the work under consideration. When writing this summary, you are an objective reporter providing an unbiased statement of two things: 1. the author’s
overall point or take-away
2. the main supports offered for that point And like a good reporter, your language should be untainted by your own views and certainly be written in the third person—no I’s or you’s. Your goal: After someone reads a good summary (also called an abstract), that reader should know the author’s thesis and main points without detecting any of your opinion. Evaluation Part three is the evaluation. This is where you transition from being a reporter to being a judge. Just like a judge at a gymnastics meet, you weigh the strong points and the weak points of the performance; then provide an overall rating. Also, just like at a gymnastics meet, you have a scorecard of criteria that you use to make this judgment, this rating. However, instead of mount and dismount, flexibility and strength, your criteria are more likely to be:
Response Part four is the response. Now it’s your turn. You are no longer a reporter or a judge. You are you, providing your personal take on this work. How do you do that? Simple: Ask youself questions like these: What do I agree and
disagree with?
What does the author get right, what does she/he get wrong, in my opinion? What ultimate merit does this work have—some, a little, none? Would I recommend this work as a source on this topic or should it be avoided—why or why not? The response section is also where you would use outside sources to back up your opinion of this work, its merits or demerits. In that sense, your response section is like a miniature essay, where your thesis is your opinion of the work and your main points support your opinion. Conclusion Part five is the wrap up. It doesn’t have to be long. Your main tasks are to: 1. Remind your
audience of the overall importance of the topic—bring the reader back
to ground zero, the topic at hand.
2. Bring together your assessment or rating of the work, together with your personal response to it. In doing so, focus on overall strengths and weaknesses. Then use both to state what you believe is the ultimate success of the work . In Sum So there you are—the mysteries of the “critique” demystified. You simply: